[rtc-linux] [PATCH 8/8] ARM: vt8500: gpio: Devicetree support for arch-vt8500

Tony Prisk linux at prisktech.co.nz
Thu Aug 9 05:46:54 EST 2012

>This needs to be named something intuitive like "vt8500_gpio_bank_regoffsets"

>Some kerneldoc intsead of the opaque comment above will also improve
>readability a lot:

>  * struct vt8500_gpio_bank_regoffsets
>  * @en: offset to enable register in the bank
>  * ...

Changes made as requested.

>My feeling however is that the "vt8500_chip->regoff" is wrong, which
>would mean only the first bank works. The code adds the same offsets
>per bank once more that it sets in this bank table.

>        Arnd

Oh.. Thanks for picking that up Arnd. You are absolutely correct. I have removed
the references for ->regoff. Left over from old code.


Tony Prisk

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