problems booting Dual 2.0GHz G5 PowerMac after moving from FC4 to FC5

Paul Nasrat pnasrat at
Wed Apr 5 22:06:06 EST 2006

On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 07:17 +0000, Brian D. Carlstrom wrote:
> I installed Fedora Core 5 on a number of PowerMac G5's, all but one of
> which previously were running Fedora Core 4. In addition to the Fedora
> upgrade, the machines were converted to be dual boot with Mac OS X where
> previously they were linux/ppc only.
> I had no problems with quad core machines, 2.7GHz dual G5 machines, and
> 2.5GHz dual G5 machines. However our oldest box, a 2.0GHz dual G5
> machine is having trouble booting, even though it had no problem with
> FC4. 

> Basically after the stage 1 boot selection, either linux or macosx,
> I get a grey screen. I can boot linux via openfirmware and macosx from
> the macos install cd.

Can you add the steps you do in OF to boot linux/ OS X here.

> The installation was done as follows (on all the machines actually)
> 1.) use mac os x disk utility to split disk in two even partitions
> 2.) mark first partion as free space, install macosx in second half
> 3.) after macosx completed, install linux with usually apple bootstrap (1mb),
>     swap (16000mb) and the rest as ext3 on /. parted output is here:
> 4.) install completes fine, but on first reboot I cannot boot into
>    either OS with first stage boot loader.

That all sounds fine.

> I can boot mac os x by using the install CD to pick the boot device. I
> can also boot linux using the open firmware prompt and "boot
> hd:2,yaboot" either using "o" from the stage 1 menu or from
> command-option-o-f. 

Right so the issue sounds like it's in ofboot.b

> based on a previous problem reports to the list, I also include ofpath
> output as well as a tarball of /proc/device-tree and /proc/ide here in
> case it is useful:

Can you also put yaboot.conf up there

> For reference, the FC4 yaboot version is listed as "1.3.12-10" while FC5
> is listed as "1.3.13-0.18". there are not any updates to yaboot
> available from fedora post install.

> Should I try to move forward to the yaboot-1.3.14rc1 version? Should I
> try to go back to a 1.3.12 version since that seemed to work in the
> older FC4?

I don't think we have major changes for the ofboot code - you could grab
the ofpath script from 1.3.14rc1 tarball and try running sh
ofpath /dev/sda3 and see what you get.

Thanks for the huge amount of info, I'll look at - can you also supply
cat /proc/modules and a copy of sysfs (you may need to cp/rsync it to
tmp before tarring it up - in
particular /sys/bus /sys/block /sys/devices


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