With webui-vue Firmware version on Overview vs Hardware status BMC manager not always matching.

Bruce Mitchell Bruce_Mitchell at phoenix.com
Thu Oct 29 04:25:20 AEDT 2020

With webui-vue Firmware version on Overview vs Hardware status BMC manager not always matching.

These are screen shots.

I find Romulus is not having this issue:
	Overview - https://bmc-bruce.github.io/Romulus_Overview_Firmware-version.png
	Hardware status - https://bmc-bruce.github.io/Romulus_Hardware-status_Firmware-version.png

Where our build does show this issue:
	Overview - https://bmc-bruce.github.io/Phoenix_Overview_Firmware-version.png
	Hardware status - https://bmc-bruce.github.io/Phoenix_Hardware-status_Firmware-version.png

I am curious as to how Hardware status gets the (BMC) Firmware version as compared to how Overview gets the (BMC) Firmware version.

Thank you.


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