Rant regarding code review issues

Brad Bishop bradleyb at fuzziesquirrel.com
Sat Sep 14 06:27:47 AEST 2019

at 4:10 PM, Ed Tanous <ed.tanous at intel.com> wrote:

> On 9/13/19 1:02 PM, Emily Shaffer wrote:
>> I'll point out that as I understand it, 80c line limit is an
>> accessibility issue for tools like braille readers or for users who
>> need to use a larger font size than you may expect.
> Neat.  I never knew that was a reasoning for 80 character widths.

Me either…TIL...

> I will probably continue to complain in my own head every time I need to
> go to a few nested scopes and my line gets wrapped in an inconvenient
> place, but to a lesser extent than before now that I know there's a good
> reason for it :)

Another commonly sited reason for 80c + 8space indent… highlighting when  
you have too many levels of nested scopes :-)

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