Discussion on IPMI provider libraries

Brendan Higgins brendanhiggins at google.com
Tue Nov 15 10:59:08 AEDT 2016

> From what i have noticed in the patch, there is support for
> ipmid_callback_t handlers  as it is now. So the change in API is to
> accommodate the OEM group ?
> So do you have plans to change the callback signatures for the standard
> commands already implemented in host-ipmid?

The support for ipmid_callback_t is only for backwards compatibility. Part
of the change in the API was to accommodate OEM/Group extensions, yes;
however, the intention is also to provide a cleaner API in general.

The privilege provided by each command is a registration parameter and it
> is consumed only by net-ipmid.

That's fine, but in that case it should not go in the callback; it should
be maintained and enforced by net-ipmid when it looks up a handler.

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