looking for 3U system with FPGA support

Nicholas Mc Guire hofrat at hofr.at
Tue Feb 12 06:31:24 EST 2008

Hi !

 hope this is ok for this list - after searching quite some time for a
 3U board with a PPC on it + more or less any FPGA - I only could find the
 MEN F12 (5200) and F13 (8540) - does naybody know of other 3U systems ?

 Basically a FPGA based system like an ML405 would be of interest but I
 could not locate any 3U products.


  PPC roughly equivalent to a 500 MHz PIII/Celeron
  2++ Ethernets
  2 Seriell
  4++ GPIO (via FPGA)
  Linux available
  U-boot if posible

 Any pointers would be appreciated.


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