I2C on MPC8272...

Vitaly Bordug vbordug at ru.mvista.com
Mon Sep 11 21:57:28 EST 2006

On Fri, 8 Sep 2006 13:00:58 -0400
"Kuffner Cory" <CKuffner at LIO.AACISD.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Does anyone know how to use the I2C module for the MPC8272??  We are attempting to enable it by following code written for a bareboard system and converting it into a kernel module (2.6.11 Kernel), but nothing happens on our SDA and SCL data lines.  The parameter ram is kind of tricky to set up, but I beleive we have everything pointing where it should.  To write to the IMM we are using the ioremap function with ioread and iowrite, we can write to the ports so I don't think there is an issue writing to memory, but I'm new to embedded linux.  Has anyone ever used the I2C controller in one of freescale's chips or just a good understanding of I2C modules in embedded linux??  I think all the chips have the same I2C interface....so it should be the same set up for MPC8250, 8255, 8260, etc.

I am recalling i2c functional on 8272, but no other details unfortunately. IIRC, i2c-mpc.c did the magic with some minor intervention.

Barely, to access immr it is ioremapped early, and cpm2_immr-> holds i2c controller, pram and other pleasant stuff. And, I am recalling i2c on 8540 working fine right out of the box...


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