uboot and ppc405
Zhang Ke
zhangke at ict.ac.cn
Wed Jun 21 16:29:38 EST 2006
I want to use Uboot in v2pro for booting linux from xilinx flash PROM. is it doable?
my board is a custom board, which has a XC2VP20, XCF32P, DDR, UART
at present, i can run a open core linux on the board by JTAG and UART. but i must use iMPACT to download bit file(about 0.97MB), use XMD to download elf file(about 4.43MB). this is too slow :(
can i use flash PROM to store these two files? and when power on, the UBoot can download them automatically and orderly to FPGA?
I found the XAPP542 from xilinx, but it use UBoot to config FPGA from the files stored in SystemACE Compact Flash Card. Unfortunately, my board does NOT has SystemACE:(
I also want to ask you that whether my XCF32P(32 Mbit=4MB) is large enough for storing the whole things?
Help me :(
Thank you :)
Zhang Ke
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