System ACE MPU interface to CF card

Stephen Williams 612dlag102 at
Wed Apr 14 03:54:56 EST 2004

Sharad Gupta |PPC Linux Embedded| wrote:

> Can you send me your board patch so that I can configure and build ACE
> driver for my board ? I want some help in knowing how and where to
> customize the driver for one's board.

The attached patch demonstrates how I enabled the SYSACE driver
for my (JSE) board. I'm not so sure I'm happy with it, because
each board will have to do something similar. I'm thinking that
the CONFIG_XILINX_SYSACE define should lose its dependence on
CONFIG_XILINX_OCP, but I'm not clear on the best way to account
for this in the xilinx_ocp/Makefile.

NOTE: This patch is meant to demonstrate my thinking on this
matter. It's not complete.

Steve Williams                "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve at XXXXXXXXXX           But I have promises to keep,
http://www.XXXXXXXXXX         and lines to code before I sleep,       And lines to code before I sleep."
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