Problems with MMU: address translation for 0xXXXXXXXX failed

Wolfgang Denk wd at
Thu May 15 10:19:06 EST 2003

In message <DEA23DB61B62D4118B5900508B323B84012CC7D7 at OPENMAIL> you wrote:
> > I don't accuse, I just tell you.
> You can tell me I'm a purple elephant but that doesn't make it true :-)

I just tell you a fact: The BDI2000 firmware is  a  software  product
for which you have to pay a license fee. The license explicitely says
that this license cannot be transferred.

> > To get access to the firmware which comes on a floppy disk  you  have
> > to open the plastic bag thereby destroying a sticker that reads:
> To access the new firmware, I unzip the zip file.
> There is no text to read. There is no license agreement.
> > I am not a lawyer, but this is pretty clear text, isn't it?
> There was *no* text accompanying the zipfile.

I want to call your attention to the fact that if  you  received  the
zip  file  from  anyboy else but Abatron support or from one of their
official distributors you might have been given an  illegal  copy  of
the software.

In the previous message you claimed that you were using version  1.09
before, i. e. you must have purchased your BDI2000 before the release
of  1.10 which was in November 2001. So your one year warranty period
must have ended in November 2002 (or earlier). 1.12 was  released  in
anuary  2003  -  if  you  did not pay for an extension of the support
(which you obviously did not, as you did  not  even  know  that  this
option exists) you probably have no legal right to use version 1.12.

I agree that it is unfortunate that Abatron did not include any  EULA
or  other  legal  stuff in their zip files. I have put Abatron on the
Cc: list, maybe they will change this now.

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88  Email: wd at
A fanatic is a person who can't change his mind and won't change  the
subject.                                          - Winston Churchill

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