Can not boot linux-2.4.4 using ppcboot-1.0.4
Michael Habermann
MHabermann at
Tue Sep 25 11:01:42 EST 2001
At 06:14 AM 9/24/2001 -0700, g.ramakrishna at wrote:
>I had already changed the board info in the kernel according to
>of ppcboot-1.0.4. It still fails to start the kernel. It stops at "rfi"
>instruction in "turn_on_mmu" in the file "arch/ppc/kernel/head_8xx.S"
> turn_on_mmu:
> mfmsr r0
> ori r0,r0,MSR_DR|MSR_IR
> mtspr SRR1,r0
> lis r0,start_here at h
> ori r0,r0,start_here at l
> mtspr SRR0,r0
> rfi /* enables MMU */
After the instruction, the MMU is enabled and the code should continue at
the function 'start_here'. Probably you are single-stepping using MPC8BUG,
which cannot handle the MMU. So the next breakpoint, which is set by
MPC8BUG, will never be reached, because it is set to a physical address.
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