BDM problem

Cal Erickson cal_erickson at
Sat Aug 26 07:46:36 EST 2000

When you are trying to use the Avocet Systems HMI BMD device
have you built a kernel with Kernel Hacking disabled? It appears
from your description the it is still enabled. When kgdb is enabled
through kernel hacking, it starts and immediately hits a breakpoint.
If you at this time set a breakpoint further on then you should be
able to proceed. If you want to use the HMI BMD then you need
to un-select kernel hacking and rebuild your kernel.
Cal Erickson

Nguyen Xuan Hoang wrote:

> Hi All, I have problem when running Linux kernel using BDM. It seems
> not a new problem, from this mail list I can learn some thing: Before
> run the debugger: - Set DER to 0 using BDM command:                X
> DER                30002400f                0- Set ICTRL to 7 using
> BDM command:                X ICTRL
> 00000000                7- Run the debugger: g However, the BDM auto
> stop right after the kernel execute: (perhaps it turn on the virtual
> mode here)            execve("/sbin/init",argv_init,envp-init);  in
> file /init/main.c The BDM show that an breakpoint occur (the PC =
> 0xFEEDDA8),but of course I didn't set any breakpoint. My system is:
> RPX LITE + HMI BDM + SOURCE GATE II Could anyone please point me a
> solution. Thank in advancesHoang

Cal Erickson                 MontaVista Software Inc.
Customer Support Engineer    490 Potrero Avenue
Phone (408) 328-0304         Sunnyvale CA 94085
Fax   (408) 328-9204         e-mail cal_erickson at
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