Mounting a USB flash stick based root FS directly.

Dushara Jayasinghe DusharaJ at
Mon Jul 20 12:04:53 EST 2009

Hi all,

I'm attempting to mount the root file system directly from a USB flash stick (thus avoiding a ram-disk). The init thread is delayed until the USB device is enumerated. However, I find the call to sys_mount() in line 218 @;a=blob;f=init/do_mounts.c;h=8d4ff5afc1d80b56963cbf119b162a3ebce61124;hb=ad2a8c8d0593bf2d1ef163f1ca7574f02b2e770e fails. The problem is I can't work out where sys_mount() is implemented.

I'm working off the 2.6.29-DENX kernel (commit id ad2a8c8d0593bf2d1ef163f1ca7574f02b2e770e). and My target CPU is an

Thanks in advance.

Dushara Jayasinghe

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