GT64260 merge warning

Troy Benjegerdes hozer at
Wed Apr 3 15:04:11 EST 2002

I'm getting close to a point where I want to start merging appropriate
things from the linuxppc_2_4_galileo tree on into

The first thing I'm going to do is a moderately large cleanup to

The second thing is to check in the drivers/char/gt64260_mpsc.c driver
originally from Zuma networks. This driver is reasonably well written, and
actually works on SMP.

There may be a few other relatively minor things later.

So, if you are actually using _devel and the 64260 ethernet driver, speak
up now.

Troy Benjegerdes | master of mispeeling | 'da hozer' |  hozer at
-----"If this message isn't misspelled, I didn't write it" -- Me -----
"Why do musicians compose symphonies and poets write poems? They do it
because life wouldn't have any meaning for them if they didn't. That's
why I draw cartoons. It's my life." -- Charles Schulz

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