15 partitions max prob revisited

Paul Mackerras paulus at cs.anu.edu.au
Wed Jan 20 14:43:22 EST 1999

Keith Jacob <kjacob at wantree.com.au> wrote:

> So the question is: can I add more devices (e.g. sdb16, sdb17, ...), or 
> do I need to "reclaim" some HFS partitions if I want more ext2 ones? BTW, 
> it was the installer that choked on the extra partitions I had created, 
> so I would need to know how to fix that as well (if possible).

The problem is in the encoding of the device minor number for scsi
disks: only 4 bits are allocated to the partition number, so you can
have at most 15 partitions (/dev/sdx uses partition number 0).


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