PowerPC Beowulf Who?

Campbell, Marc CAMPBMA1 at mail.northgrum.com
Wed Feb 24 09:13:39 EST 1999

There are several issues.  Some PPC specific and some not.

General issues would include the ability to procure turn key system and software revision support.

PPC specific issues start with the assurance that the necessary  libs (e.g. MPI) have been checked out on PPC hardware clusters.

Another PPC issue is cluster communication.  In some cases standard ethernet is not enough cluster bandwidth.  In what case does FireWire make sense in a PPC Beowulf (Linux) cluster?  Is Myrinet (www.myri.com) a more appropriate clustering communication system? If Myrinet, then where are the LinuxPPC or YDL drivers?  Myrinet lists Alpha Linux and x86 Linux but NOT PPC Linux (http://www.myri.com:80/GM/).

Who is taking initiative in the PowerPC/AltiVec Beowulf (Linux clustering) area?

-- Marc

Marc Campbell
Northrop Grumman
Technology Development
High Performance Computing, Group Lead
Melbourne, FL

campbma1 at mail.northgrum.com

"Robert G. Werner" wrote:

> Are the issues that different for PPC than for the other architectures that you
> need to special attention on this matter?  My understanding was that the
> clustering techniques used for Beowulf were based on standard libs (PVM,
> IIRC).  Thus the issues seem like they should be pretty much the same as on any
> other HW baring Networking HW questions.
> Am I way off base here?
> Robert G. Werner
> rwerner at lx1.microbsys.com
> Impeach Conggress!!
> To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for
> you in your private heart is true for all men -- that is genius.
>                 -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
> On Mon, 22 Feb 1999, Campbell, Marc wrote:
> >
> > Any suggestions on who to contact for PowerPC & PowerPC/AltiVec Beowulf development, integration, sales, and/or support?
> >
> > Marc Campbell
> > Northrop Grumman
> > Technology Development
> > High Performance Computing, Group Lead
> > Melbourne, FL
> >
> > campbma1 at mail.northgrum.com
> >

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