bootstrap stuffs

Benjamin Herrenschmidt bh40 at
Mon Feb 15 05:58:05 EST 1999

On Sun, Feb 14, 1999, David Edelsohn <dje at> wrote:

>	For correctness, "sync" must be used, but for best performance,
>"sync" should be used sparingly, only when necessary.

Ok thanks. In this specific case (jump to bootstrap), I don't really care
about the performance loss introduced by a sync, I'll keep one just after
the mtmsr to make sure that the interrupt switch is fully done before I
hack with srr0 and the MMU.

For the relocatable code, I'll still unvestigate the issue for my own
education, but I beleive I don't need it anymore, I just wrote most of
the code in asm this morning ;-) (PPC asm is frightening at fist, but
finally it was not so difficult).

So thanks David and Michael (and thanks again to Terry Greeniaus), I now
have all the elements I need to do what I want.

           E-Mail: <mailto:bh40 at>
BenH.      Web   : <>

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