2.2.1 & serial ports

Owen Waller O.Waller at ee.qub.ac.uk
Wed Feb 3 03:51:44 EST 1999

On Tue, 2 Feb 1999, RTHEANDE wrote:
> I've compiled a stock v2.2.1 kernel _without_ UNIX98 support so I don't 
> have a /proc/tty filesystem but I can't seem to access the serial ports 
> since the upgrade. In particular ppp won't dial out - it pickes up and 
> senses the carrier but thats it. It's almost as if the modem doesn't have 
> a dial tone (although it certainly does). Also minicom takes an age to 
> initialise and then pretty much refuses to talk to the modem.
>      Are you running ppp as a module? If so, did you install the new 
>      modutils-2.1.121? I had same problem with ppp before installing the 
>      new modutils. 

no I compiled PPP into the kernel - the only thing that is a module is the
ppp-deflate. Still I haven't upgraded my mod-utils yet so this might be
it. I'll try upgrading my modutils and see if that gets me any further.

Owen Waller                     |   "...sometimes I think I'm a little
PhD. Student in Control Eng.    |    more English than I am French..."
Queens University               |              - Alain Prost 
Belfast                         |
Tele: +44 (0)1232 274085        |    Fax: +44 (0)1232 667023

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