Compiler porblems

Giovanni Liotine s156658 at
Wed Dec 9 23:36:33 EST 1998

Hi all
I've some problem compiling c++ apps under linuxppc with egcs.1.0.2
during compiling this code 
"#include <iostream.h>
    } "

gcc output are a long series of warnings: invalid type 'void *' for
default argument to 'ostream *'

When compiling some applications (that compile fine with gcc 2.8.1 under
Intel/Linux) like MidsEye gcc results in internal compiler error, e.g:

In method 'void MatrixImage <float>::drawLine(int, int, int, int, float)
Internal compiler error.

Is it a compiler bug or what?
Any suggestion? Note that this code compile under Intel/Linux box.


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