[Lguest] Attaching GDB to lguest

Eviatar Khen eviatarkhen at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 05:23:42 EST 2012

Hello All,

I'm having problems with using gdb with a guest kernel.
A minimal virtual serial support was added to the launcher and I am able 
to connect gdb to a lguest guest (configured with kgdb) via pts, and 
it's actually stops at "kgdb_breakpoint()" (at the line of wmb() call). 
Nevertheless, after connection, other actions, as moving to next 
instruction (n command) makes the launcher process to crash with:
lguest: bad write address 0xfffffffc
Sometimes it's "Bad address" or "bad read address".
"Step into" command and also continuing to the next break point cause 
the same result.

I wander why this is happening?
I don't suppose this is related to debug registers as I only set 
breakpoints and not watches.

Any Ideas? Which more info I need to supply?



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