[ccan] First ideas for GSoC

Adam Kennedy adamkennedybackup at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 10:31:39 EST 2008

This is a pretty reasonable summary, although personally I'd move the 
releasing of modules out to a separate system.

Adam K

Nicolas Martyanoff wrote:
> First ideas:
> The end users must be able to grab the libs easily:
> ccan --install 'sys::threads'
> ccan --update
> ccan --upgrade
> Of course, the tools has to handle dependencies.
> The programmers must have simple tools too:
> # Run the tests then send the results to the server
> ccan --test 'sys::threads'
> # Release a new version of a module
> ccan --release 'sys-threads_0.6-r4.tgz'
> If we want this platform to be really usable, we also have to standardize
> the way packages are built (make...).
> The site web would allow new projet creation, user feedbacks, documentation, etc.
> For the architecture, I would suggest something like this:
>          +-----------------------------------+---------------------+-------------> User
>          |                                   |                     |
>          |                                   |                     |
>          |             perl VCI              |                     |
> Versionning (Bazaar) <----------> \          |         RPC         |
>                                    > Web site (perl) <----> Client (ANSI C)
> DB (postgresql) <---------------> /
> 		    perl DBI
> The more I think about it, the more I believe it's possible to build a great platform :)
> Regards,

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