Add network RoutingPolicyRules at OpenBMC Networkd

raviteja bailapudi raviteja28031990 at
Wed Oct 18 16:24:36 AEDT 2023

Hi Alexander

Only one issue we have noticed by supporting per-interface specific gateway
is when same subnet IP addresses configured on both
eth0 and eth1 ethernet interfaces, otherwise don't see any BMC
configuration issues by supporting per-interface specific gateway.

I also agree that in production environments the BMC may not be connected
to the same network segment using multiple interfaces
but when a system with two physical interfaces is shipped, each interface
expected to have link-local IP by default to work independently.
instead of having workaround of disabling linkLocalAddressing on eth1

This proposal of configuring RoutePolicyRule going to fix the same subnet
IPaddrese configuration issue
for all types of addresses like static, DHCP and LinkLocal address
configuration and this is systemd community suggested solution.

 >With your proposal, as I understand it, you may be solving one part of
the “scoped addresses” problem here, but the rest remains.
can you please mention specific BMC configuration problems which
remains here?

I believe adding per-interface specific needed for BMC

> > I believe this was done purposefully some years ago. @Ravi please share
> the details if you have the history.
> I you can provide any rationale for that, I’d be grateful. We’ve been
> having all sorts of trouble due to that for quite a long time.

Please find discussions  on supporting per-interface specific gateway here

Thank you so much for your response

Thanks & Regards
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