supporting multiple chained initramfs

Roman Rakus rrakus at
Sat Jun 14 00:34:37 EST 2008

Roman Rakus wrote:
> As in buzilla:
> With grub and syslinux, you can have multiple initramfs's specified 
> and they get
> stacked by the kernel nicely.  Would be nice to have this 
> functionality in
> yaboot as we're going to make use of it for loading keymaps in the 
> initramfs
> I'm trying to solve it, but in fact I'm wondering how this works? I 
> think that I will load first initramfs, put it in memory and second 
> initramfs put directly after first and propagade them like one 
> initramfs. But this looks like bad thinking.
> Actually how can I say to kernel that there are two initramfs? I'm bit 
> confused of it. Can someone help me, please?
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Interesting... I do some small changes in code and looks like to be 
working :) On monday I will send this changes. So you can ignore this 
two emails ;)
Read ya.
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