supporting multiple chained initramfs

Roman Rakus rrakus at
Fri Jun 13 23:52:31 EST 2008

As in buzilla:

With grub and syslinux, you can have multiple initramfs's specified and they get
stacked by the kernel nicely.  Would be nice to have this functionality in
yaboot as we're going to make use of it for loading keymaps in the initramfs

I'm trying to solve it, but in fact I'm wondering how this works? I 
think that I will load first initramfs, put it in memory and second 
initramfs put directly after first and propagade them like one 
initramfs. But this looks like bad thinking.
Actually how can I say to kernel that there are two initramfs? I'm bit 
confused of it. Can someone help me, please?
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