Netbooting like PXE

Benoit Guillon guillon at
Fri Dec 8 21:29:59 EST 2006

Paul Nasrat wrote:

>On Thu, 2006-12-07 at 10:33 +0100, Benoit Guillon wrote:
>>Sorry for the delay, I've tried the patch and it works fine on our 
>>platform (except that I had to adapt a bit the load_config_file since 
>>the patch was not really synced with 1.3.14rc1).
>Could you post a patch against the current git tree (see
> )
Sorry, I have no access here to WAN (proxies, firewalls, etc.) except 
for HTTP and mails. Is there a web access to the current yaboot 
snapshot? Or maybe a git web interface from which I could make the 
snapshot (I know it's possible with viewcvs but don't know git)?

>>Another PXE feature that I think is quite interesting is the ability to 
>>ask for appending to the kernel arguments the mac-address from which it 
>>has been booted on. In the pxelinux configuration file it is specified 
>>by adding 'ipappend 2'. It then sets the variable BOOTIF=macfile, so 
>>that the initrd can determine from which interface the system booted and 
>>then configure it (dhcp client, etc.).
>That seems reasonable and wouldn't be too much work.
Thanks much,

Benoît Guillon                guillon at
TRT/SML                       tel. : 33 (0)4 98 16 33 90

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