[Skiboot] [PATCH v3] hw/npu2-opencapi: Support multiple LPC devices

Andrew Donnellan ajd at linux.ibm.com
Tue Jan 28 18:25:21 AEDT 2020

On 28/1/20 6:16 pm, Andrew Donnellan wrote:
>> This patch seems like the sort of thing that'll need to be re-written
>> entirely when we decide to support >4TB allocations. Oh well.
> Yep. The way addresses are structured on P8 and the restrictions of the 

I obviously mean P9...

> chip address mask that has been chosen makes it difficult to do >4TB of 
> contiguous memory in any case - we can assign multiple discontiguous 4TB 
> ranges to a single card by masking off some bits, but from a Linux 
> perspective that's less useful. We'll cross that bridge if/when required 
> to...

Andrew Donnellan              OzLabs, ADL Canberra
ajd at linux.ibm.com             IBM Australia Limited

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