[Skiboot] [PATCH 1/2] npu2-hw-procedures.c: Power up lanes during ntl reset

Reza Arbab arbab at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Thu Jan 25 04:24:14 AEDT 2018

On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 02:44:57PM +1100, Alistair Popple wrote:
>Newer versions of Hostboot will not power up the NVLink PHY lanes by
>default. The phy_reset procedure already powers up the lanes but they also
>need to be powered up in order to access the DL.
>The reset_ntl procedure is called by the device driver to bring the DL out
>of reset and get it into a working state. Therefore we also need to add
>lane and clock power up to the reset_ntl procedure.

Seems pretty straightforward.

Reviewed-by: Reza Arbab <arbab at linux.vnet.ibm.com>

Reza Arbab

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