[Simplicity] Experimental Branch: haskell-ffi-jets-secp256k1

Russell O'Connor roconnor at blockstream.com
Sat Mar 21 05:00:16 AEDT 2020

The current Haskell implementation of Simplicity uses implicit sharing of
subexpressions.  There is a process for converting to an explicitly shared
structure, and I suspect it is this conversion process that is the main
expense.  It involves repeatedly taking unions of maps of merkle roots that
may have obvious large overlapping subsets.  It is necessary to convert to
explicit sharing because, while a Simplicity expression is logically a
tree, if you traverse it as a tree in order to find all jets, it would take
an exponential amount of time.

One solution might be to take a more sophisticated approach to computing
the "unions" of these maps (which are representing DAGs).   After all, if
the merkle root of one subexpression occurs in both maps, then all of those
sub-subexpressions must also be in both maps, and can therefore be skipped.

It might also be reasonable to develop Simplicity programs through a
different type of Simplicity expressions with explicit sharing of
subexpressions. Converting such a program to the implicit representation
would be trivial, and you could therefore use all the existing tools
(evaluation, serialization, etc.) at their existing costs.  However you
could also do evaluation directly on this alternative representation with
explicit sharing.  This would let you bypass the conversion of implicit
sharing to explicit sharing.  This comes at the cost of not maximizing the
sharing, but for evaluation purposes, maximizing sharing doesn't really
matter (during evaluation shared subexpressions are necessarily repeatedly
evaluated anyways).  I haven't done this up to now because I've been trying
my best to stay close to the semantics of Simplicity which has no notion of
sharing.  Obviously this purity has come at some cost, so this alternative
approach is probably worth investigating.

Another option might be to make the use of jets in Simplicity programming
explicit and include an optional optimized implementation as part of the
explicit jet.  This has the minor disadvantage that jets might appear
incidentally when programs are composed out of subexpressions.  Searching
for jets will always find jets if they exist, but if the programmer is
marking jets explicitly, they might miss some.

Some of the above imperfect solutions might be very handy during
development, leaving the current AST search that maximizes sharing and jets
for a final pass once development is complete.  Ultimately we will need one
or more higher level languages that get compiled to Simplicity.  When that
exists we will probably mostly do development through a direct
interpretation of that higher-level language, and compile to a fully shared
and optimized Simplicity program for final testing with the C
implementation.  For this reason, it might not be worth expending too much
effort on making writing raw Simplicity more comfortable.  What I've
implemented in the haskell-ffi-jets-secp256k1 branch was easy to build on
the existing, necessary code for searching for jets for serialization
purposes.  However, since such a higher-level language doesn't yet exist,
expending a little bit more effort to making writing raw Simplicity is
perhaps reasonable.

On Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 12:54 PM Keagan McClelland <
keagan.mcclelland at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Russell!
> Is the 13 seconds expression search time a fundamental limitation related
> to the AST search, or is it more a result of the implementation currently?
> I ask because it seems like jets could be marked by their merkle roots and
> stored in a hash table. If this is the case, it's not immediately obvious
> why the search would be any different during the first time than the others.
> On Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 10:16 AM Russell O'Connor <
> roconnor at blockstream.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I know of a couple of people who are getting into the nitty-gritty of
>> developing Simplicity programs despite the lack of tooling support.  I
>> appreciate the efforts of these bold persons, so I'll be trying to give
>> more updates on this mailing list.
>> While the main focus of my efforts are still on the consensus critical
>> components of the C library, I want to put some effort into helping
>> Simplicity developers.  Right now, Simplicity programs are best developed
>> in using the Simplicity Haskell library.  However, testing of Simplicity
>> programs by directly interpreting the Simplicity expressions is very slow
>> for all but the simplest programs.
>> Recently I've pushed an experimental branch, <
>> https://github.com/ElementsProject/simplicity/tree/haskell-ffi-jets-secp256k1>.
>> This branch adds 'Simplicity.Elements.Jets.fastEval' and
>> 'Simplicity.Bitcoin.Jets.fastEval' functions that searches for
>> subexpressions with known jets, and evaluates these subexpressions using
>> jets, making FFI calls to a C implementation in some cases.  At the moment,
>> the set of known jets includes 32-bit arithmetic, sha-256 compression, and
>> (old-style) schnorr signature assertion. More jets will be developed.
>> While the overhead of searching for jets is quite high, once completed an
>> expression can be repeatedly evaluated, making this process quite suitable
>> for randomized testing.  Observe below that by sharing fastSchnorrAssert
>> the first evaluation takes 13 seconds, but subsequent evaluations take 0.02
>> seconds.  Without using jets, the direct interpretation of schnorrAssert
>> using Simplicity.Elements.Semantics.sem could take hours.
>>     Prelude Simplicity.Ty.Word> let fastSchnorrAssert =
>> Simplicity.Elements.Jets.fastEval
>> Simplicity.Programs.LibSecp256k1.Lib.schnorrAssert
>>     (0.02 secs, 102,456 bytes)
>>     Prelude Simplicity.Ty.Word> let {pk = toWord256
>> 0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798; m =
>> toWord256 0; sig = toWord512
>> 0x528F745793E8472C0329742A463F59E58F3A3F1A4AC09C28F6F8514D4D0322A258BD08398F82CF67B812AB2C7717CE566F877C2F8795C846146978E8F04782AE}
>> in fastSchnorrAssert undefined ((pk,m),sig)
>>     Just ()
>>     (12.71 secs, 17,984,271,240 bytes)
>>     Prelude Simplicity.Ty.Word> let {pk = toWord256
>> 0xEEFDEA4CDB677750A420FEE807EACF21EB9898AE79B9768766E4FAA04A2D4A34; m =
>> toWord256
>> 0x243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89; sig =
>> toWord512
>> 0x667C2F778E0616E611BD0C14B8A600C5884551701A949EF0EBFD72D452D64E844160BCFC3F466ECB8FACD19ADE57D8699D74E7207D78C6AEDC3799B52A8E0598}
>> in fastSchnorrAssert undefined ((pk,m),sig)
>>     Nothing
>>     (0.02 secs, 555,224 bytes)
>>     Prelude Simplicity.Ty.Word> let {pk = toWord256
>> 0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798; m =
>> toWord256 0; sig = toWord512
>> 0x528F745793E8472C0329742A463F59E58F3A3F1A4AC09C28F6F8514D4D0322A258BD08398F82CF67B812AB2C7717CE566F877C2F8795C846146978E8F04782AE}
>> in fastSchnorrAssert undefined ((pk,m),sig)
>>     Just ()
>>     (0.02 secs, 526,288 bytes)
>> This feature is still under development; however, I want to make it
>> available as early as possible, because I think it will be especially
>> helpful for some folks, even at this early stage.
>> --
>> Simplicity mailing list
>> Simplicity at lists.ozlabs.org
>> https://lists.ozlabs.org/listinfo/simplicity
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