[PATCH] discover/udev.c: Added warning in system status log

Jeremy Kerr jk at ozlabs.org
Thu Oct 7 11:23:20 AEDT 2021

Hi Lulu,

> Based on the previous discussion, I amended the conditions as
> follows:
>         1. When the device sda is mounted, use ID_PATH to determine
> that sad1 and sda are the same device.
>         2. When a new device (sdc) is detected, the warning will be
> displayed only once; the Boolean value will not be cleared until the
> device is removed.
> Therefore, the warning will only be displayed once. When a new device
> (sdc) with the same UUID is detected, and when the user repeatedly
> mounts the same device (sdc), it will still be displayed again.
> Hope this modification meets your suggestion, thank you very much~

Yes, that all sounds fine to me. You could even do this without the
udev_handle_dev_remove changes (which clear the dev_warn flag); we've
warned about sda already, so I don't see much need to re-generate the
warning later.

But either way works.

If you could send this as a proper commit, I can apply to the tree.



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