AW: petitboot ppc64le woes
Wuestefeld, Peter
Peter.Wuestefeld at
Tue Mar 3 05:24:21 AEDT 2020
From pb-discover.log:
[17:42:48] SKIP: sdo3: ignore 'linux_raid_member' filesystem
[17:42:48] SKIP: sdo2: ignore 'linux_raid_member' filesystem
[17:42:48] SKIP: sdn3: ignore 'linux_raid_member' filesystem
[17:42:48] SKIP: sdn2: ignore 'linux_raid_member' filesystem
[17:42:53] SKIP: sda: no ID_FS_TYPE property
The sdo/sdn devices are the local scsi disks (there are some more multipathed FC disks) the md devices were installed on.
RHEL 7.6, kernel 4.14.0-115.17.1.el7a.ppc64le
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
best regards
Peter Wuestefeld M.A.
Competence Center Power Systems
Technical Leader Linux on Power
Lokation Stuttgart
Bolzstrasse 7 (Koenigsbau Passagen)
D - 70173 Stuttgart
Phone: ++49-(0)711-93312-205
Fax: ++49-(0)711-93312-299
Mobile: ++49-(0)151-1252-4406
mailto: Peter.Wuestefeld at
"Gute Führung zeichnet sich durch zwei Dinge aus:
Ehrlichkeit und Bescheidenheit. Beides fällt schwer, deshalb gibt es so wenige gute Anführer."
Warren Buffett
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Philipp Alexander, Sven Eichelbaum
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Wiesbaden
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Wiesbaden, HRB 10315
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Sam Mendoza-Jonas <sam at>
Gesendet: Monday, March 2, 2020 18:24
An: Wuestefeld, Peter <Peter.Wuestefeld at>
Cc: Barth, Thomas <Thomas.Barth at>; petitboot at
Betreff: Re: petitboot ppc64le woes
On Mon, 2020-03-02 at 17:13 +0000, Wuestefeld, Peter wrote:
> Hi Sam,
> Found your presentation about petitboot and thought you might be the
> one who can help me …
> As I’m tearing out all my hair right now – would it be possible that
> yo
Hi Peter, no worries! I've CC'd in the Petitboot mailing list too to add some extra eyes.
> u have a look at that situation and can give me a hint?
> - Two IBM LC922 servers
> - RHEL 7.6 installed
> - Basic installation was bare disk + LVM
> - Tried to move that installation to a mirrored one
> (create mdX’ with “missing” , move over the contents of the
> installation via copy resp. pvmove
> - Rebuild initramfs wikt md drivers, md uuids
> - grub2-install, grub2-mkconfig ran without any errors
> … tried to boot.
> And petitboot does not offer me the option to boot from md devices.
> If I “Exit to shell” and issue
> # mdadm –assemble –scan
> Petitboot finds two arrays. Exiting from the shell I see the md device
> offered to boot and I can boot the installation successfully.
> What did I miss with configuring? How do I tell petitboot to
> automatically activate the bootable arrays by issuing sth with the
> same effects as the mdadm cmd line above?
What Petitboot version are your servers running? (Usually located at the top of the screen). It's possible Petitboot is being a bit simplistic in its RAID detection and you're helping it along with the extra mdadm call.
Also if you run the pb-sos tool from the command line it will collect up a bunch of relevant logs which we can have a look at.
> Thanks for any hints and infos that could potentially help me …
> Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
> best regards
> Peter Wuestefeld M.A.
> Competence Center Power Systems
> Technical Leader Linux on Power
> SVA GmbH
> Lokation Stuttgart
> Bolzstrasse 7 (Koenigsbau Passagen)
> D - 70173 Stuttgart
> Phone: ++49-(0)711-93312-205
> Fax: ++49-(0)711-93312-299
> Mobile: ++49-(0)151-1252-4406
> mailto: Peter.Wuestefeld at
> "Gute Führung zeichnet sich durch zwei Dinge aus:
> Ehrlichkeit und Bescheidenheit. Beides fällt schwer, deshalb gibt es
> so wenige gute Anführer."
> Warren Buffett
> =============================================
> Geschaeftsfuehrung: Philipp Alexander, Sven Eichelbaum Sitz der
> Gesellschaft: Wiesbaden
> Registergericht: Amtsgericht Wiesbaden, HRB 10315
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