[PATCH] Add support for stripping a subject prefix that's different from linkname

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-reply-to-2011-2 at silbe.org
Sat Feb 12 00:21:52 EST 2011

Excerpts from Jeremy Kerr's message of Fri Dec 10 05:04:16 +0100 2010:

> > Strip off Project.subjectprefix from the subject of incoming patches.
> > Will fall back to Project.linkname if subjectprefix is unset or empty.
> Looks good. Do you think a regex would be more adaptable, or would that be 
> overkill?

I've thought about this a bit some time ago. A regular expression
subject rewriting rule might indeed be useful in some cases.

However, I currently need to focus on other projects, so I don't know
when I'll have time to work on this (including the test cases).


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