[OpenPower-Firmware] LPC Address space questions

Marty E. Plummer hanetzer at startmail.com
Tue Oct 6 22:40:32 AEDT 2020

Hello again.

POWER9 Processor Registers Specification v1 specifies
BRIDGE.AD.LPC_BASE_REG (SCOM 0x90040) as setting the base address for
lpc. Using pdbg getscom I was able to see it mapped to the following:

pdbg -a getscom 0x90040
p0:0x90040 = 0x0006030000000000
p1:0x90040 = 0x0006230000000000

So in theory, you *could* put it anywhere. My question is, in practice,
is anything other than 0x0006030000000000 used for the first processor?

I'm probably going to hard-code it for now, but if it can/does change it
would be good to know and be able to config it.



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