Ed Tanous ed at
Tue May 21 02:59:30 AEST 2024

On Sun, May 19, 2024 at 5:11 PM Kasra Amani <kasraamani80 at> wrote:
> Dear OBMC Dev Team,
> I am trying to create a D-BUS service for an evb-ast2600 build and have written a server for it which works fine on my local intel ubuntu machine. I have been trying to deploy it on my image but have had no luck. What I wanted to ask is does a workflow guide exist on how sdbusplus can be used to create new D-BUS services for OpenBMC? and how it can be done through bitbake.

I recently updated the template repo that I generally point people to
when they ask this question.  It implements a basic DBus-connected
application using OpenBMC style and dependencies, passes openbmc CI
checks, and implements a basic unit test pattern.

For a long time this was hosted in an abandoned gerrit review, but
that seemed like a mediocre place to host it.

This was previously discussed on the mailing list here, if it helps
you gain some context:

> Sincerely,
> Kasra

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