Patrick Williams patrick at
Mon May 20 21:54:11 AEST 2024

On Sat, May 18, 2024 at 02:20:50PM +0330, Kasra Amani wrote:
> I am trying to create a D-BUS service for an evb-ast2600 build and have
> written a server for it which works fine on my local intel ubuntu machine.
> I have been trying to deploy it on my image but have had no luck. What I
> wanted to ask is does a workflow guide exist on how sdbusplus can be used
> to create new D-BUS services for OpenBMC? and how it can be done through
> bitbake.

Can you give more details on what you've tried and what isn't working
for you?  Almost every one of our applications is just as you describe.

1. Write a to build your application, link against
   sdbusplus, install into /usr/bin (or wherever is appropriate).

2. Write a bitbake recipe that uses the meson.bbclass and
   `DEPENDS += "sdbusplus"`.

3. Add your new recipe to the image.

About the simplest examples you could look at would be the
phosphor-virtual-sensors or phosphor-health-monitor recipes.

Patrick Williams
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