obmc-op-control-power_git.bb refactoring

Andrew Jeffery andrew at aj.id.au
Fri Nov 11 10:41:04 AEDT 2022

On Fri, 11 Nov 2022, at 07:29, Andrew Geissler wrote:
> Here's what I'm thinking:
> Move these services to PSM and rename them as follows:
> - op-power-start at .service -> phosphor-power-start at .service
> - op-power-stop at .service -> phosphor-power-stop at .service

This isn't terribly constructive but I feel like given s/op-/phosphor-/ 
results in names like 'phosphor-power*' it's going to be confusing with 
respect to the existing phosphor-power subproject.

Not sure how to fix it though.


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