Re: 回覆: [phosphor-host-ipmid] Question about IPMI SDR

Sui Chen suichen at
Tue Nov 9 13:48:47 AEDT 2021

On 11/8/21 3:37 AM, Chris Chen (TPI) wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think I figured out the error message is due to the 
> phosphor-health-monitor package. The phosphor-health-monitor doesn't 
> have the interface of org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager and with the 
> GetManagedObjects method call, so the getSensorMap() in the 
> intel-ipmi-oem would be failed.

Thanks for catching this, it seems there exists a change to make 
phosphor-health-monitor compatible with `ipmitool sdr`:

>  1.
>     is it only for monitoring CPU and memory sensor values?  it looks
>     like there is no explanation of it is in the phosphor-health-monitor
>     repo.

Yes it is for monitoring the BMC's CPU, memory and storage usage, and 
other metrics.

>  2.
>     can I remove it? If yes, will I miss any features?

Yes it is safe to remove, there are plans to use phosphor-health-monitor 
sensors in Redfish but the Schemas and bmcweb-side changes are still in 
progress, so you won't miss too many features for now.

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