Security workgroup meeting times

Joseph Reynolds jrey at
Thu May 14 04:31:27 AEST 2020

Re-sending this email to refresh this topic.

Looking for a specific time and ideally someone to run the meeting.
See the replies in the archive here:

- Joseph

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Security workgroup meeting times
Date: 	Mon, 27 Jan 2020 11:42:04 -0600
From: 	Joseph Reynolds <jrey at>
To: 	openbmc <openbmc at>


Let's try again to establish another OpenBMC Security Workgroup meeting 
time.  The current meeting time (every other week 10am Pacific Daylight 
Time) is working for some, but not for others. To be clear, we would use 
the same workgroup, just have alternate meeting times.

First, let's find a time that works for Australia, Asia, and Europe.  
I've seen participation and continued interest from folks in those time 
zones. Because the current meeting time is bad for them, let's establish 
alternate times.

Second, I am thinking we could establish alternating meeting times. We 
will not find a time that works for everyone.  I try to accommodate 
folks who cannot attend by writing a summary of the topics and 
conclusions, and by pushing the work back out into this email list.  But 
that is not the same as attending a meeting.  I feel that the meetings 
foster better responses and more participation than using the email list 
alone.  For that reason, I want to continue to meet.  Hence, I am 
proposing alternating meeting times.

Third, I have been running the meetings.  I plan to continue to handle 
the Security workgroup meeting agenda, and can help set up the initial 
workgroup meetings at alternate times, I would not plan to run them.  I 
hope you will solve all the security problems while I am sleeping.  
Fortunately, running meetings is easy: just go through the agenda, 
introduce each item, wait for people to talk, and summarize the 
outcome.  We need a volunteer leader for that.

Send me your ideas,
- Joseph


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