How to compute the password hash

Joseph Reynolds jrey at
Fri Aug 21 04:26:15 AEST 2020


Thanks for putting together the OpenBMC user authentication 
presentationand presenting it as part of today's OpenBMC learning series 
event.  Well done!  The following question (paraphrased here) was 
asked.  My answer is below.

- Joseph

Q. How to compute a user account password hash [1] such as the project 
default [2] for my own distro?
A. From my Linux system, I use:
openssl passwd -1 -salt "UGMqyqdG" 0penBmc

- The -1 option and the -salt "UGMqyqdG" option were used to get the 
exact result in the project default [2].  You would probably want to use 
sha512 and your own salt.
- The first character of the password is a zero, not a capital O.


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