[External] Re: Question for upstream

Ed Tanous ed.tanous at intel.com
Thu Sep 26 06:12:03 AEST 2019

On 9/24/19 10:00 PM, Payne Yang wrote:
> By the way, I have to include a specific fpga library in this implementation.
> Should I update it also ?

Based on the initial premise, I was assuming this was just yet another
hwmon temperature sensor in dbus-sensors.  This is sounding more and
more complex, and the answer to your questions is going to depend on
what's there, what the licenses are, what the sizes are, how much extra
stuff we're pulling in with this library, and whether or not it's able
to be disabled by the people that won't be using it.

I think a lot of your questions would be answered by filling out a
design template and submitting it to the docs repo.  I would expect the
"impacts" section would include some statement like "requires library X
from vendor Y with license Z" and in that review, we'd be able to
evaluate whether or not we want to support that, and what the model
would be.

One thing to remember: everything in dbus sensors is intended to be
configurable at runtime, so please try to avoid hardcoding
addresses/buses in your application, and follow the pattern of some of
the other sensors that are there.


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