Re: "No Hardware Required" qemu-system-arm no services running Ports 80, 443, and 623, why?

Andrew Jeffery andrew at
Wed Oct 16 10:02:33 AEDT 2019

Hi Bruce!

On Wed, 16 Oct 2019, at 05:19, Bruce Mitchell wrote:
> Hello,
> In the 11/3/2016 CAusten-OpenBMC.pdf presentation it is stated, on page 
> 12 of 18, "No Hardware Required".
> I have obmc-phosphor-image-romulus.static.mtd and 
> obmc-phosphor-image-s2600wf-20191004165402.static.mtd
> booting with qemu-system-arm and login in, however neither have any TCP 
> servers running on Ports 80, 443, and 623.
> So what am I missing in the process?

It's hard to say without more information. A couple of things would help:

1. Please paste the command line you're using to invoke qemu
2. Please provide the output from the journal
3. How did you obtain the obmc-phosphor-image-romulus.static.mtd and'
obmc-phosphor-image-s2600wf-20191004165402.static.mtd images?

Generally when asking questions like yours you should try to provide enough
information for someone to reproduce the issue you're seeing. That way
if we _can_ reproduce it we can poke at the system to debug without delays
or misunderstandings.



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