[ExternalEmail] Re: guidelines on new entity-manager classes

Troy.Lee at vertiv.com Troy.Lee at vertiv.com
Thu Nov 28 17:41:45 AEDT 2019

Hi James,

Is there a cmake option to NOT install entity-manager/configurations?
It would be easier for vendors to install their own configurations.

Troy Lee

-----Original Message-----
From: openbmc <openbmc-bounces+troy.lee=vertiv.com at lists.ozlabs.org> On Behalf Of James Feist
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2019 1:29 AM
To: Brad Bishop <bradleyb at fuzziesquirrel.com>
Cc: Shawn McCarney <shawnmm at linux.vnet.ibm.com>; OpenBMC Maillist <openbmc at lists.ozlabs.org>
Subject: [ExternalEmail] Re: guidelines on new entity-manager classes

On 11/25/19 5:02 PM, Brad Bishop wrote:
> Hi James
> another EM question for you...
> Are there any guidelines or best practices on upstreaming EM configurations?  Put another way, if I wanted to ensure that you would accept my configurations with new types or classes (e.g. Pid, ADC, etc..), what would I need to do up front to make that process as smooth as it can be?

EM configurations are meant to be flexible, and as long as the daemon understands it, and the Type is unique, there shouldn't be any issues.
There is a script here to make it a bit more pretty that CI will fail if it is not ran https://github.com/openbmc/entity-manager/blob/master/scripts/autojson.py.
The only real things that block configuration reviews are things that can make them shorter (using the template stuff when possible). But as they are per vendor, I normally let each vendor own their own destiny with the files.

There is a json schema
that I eventually have the dream of creating a script to generate a schema for every checked-in Type, but I'm not there yet.


> thx - brad
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