BMCWeb auth primer

Joseph Reynolds jrey at
Wed Nov 27 09:37:04 AEDT 2019

On 11/25/19 3:37 PM, Brandon Wyman wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 7:41 PM Joseph Reynolds <jrey at> wrote:
>> Dear OpenBMC community and BMCWeb maintainers,
>> I worked on BMCWeb, learned how it works, and put together this little
>> primer on its authentication and authorization flows.  I think portions
>> of it are generally useful to the community, and specifically useful to
>> help guide BMC security work.  Certainly, I may want to refer back to it.
>> The material is more-or-less in markdown format, but no promises.
>> Take a peek, learn about auth security topics, correct my errors and
>> omissions, and let me know your ideas how to incorporate this into the
>> project.  Thank you!
>> - Joseph
> Would this have worked better as a gerrit commit, or a public gist
> that you could point to?

Brandon, yes, that's the feedback I am looking for.  I haven't seen much 
interest in openbmc gists.  You can find the primer in the OpenBMC email 
archives here:
(at least until that site it taken down).

I've incorporated documentation for the OperationMap into the source 
code, currently in review here:

Thanks for your interest.  I'll keep at it...

- Joseph

>> # BMCWeb auth primer
>> This describes the BMCWeb server's authentication and authorization
>> flows, showing how they relate to the usage shown in the [REDFISH
>> cheatsheet][] and [REST cheatsheet][], to [Phosphor User Manager][], and
>> to the [BMCWeb code][].
> <SNIP>

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