Redfish: Network test findings

Ed Tanous ed.tanous at
Sat Feb 23 04:16:32 AEDT 2019

On 2/22/19 8:33 AM, Prashanth Katti1 wrote:
> Hi Ed Tanous,
> Here are the finding on Network test for bmcweb.
> .
> Could you look into the following issues and let us know.

I'm happy to review any patches that resolve some, or all of these.
Based on the titles, a lot of these look like enhancement requests for
parameters that aren't currently implemented, or misunderstandings about
how Redfish error codes work.

If you have some initial triage done to identify the failure modes on
these, that would help a lot to get them resolved quickly.  If you need
any specific background to help triage, I'm almost always on IRC (and
obviously this list).


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