[Maintainers] Call for maintenance

Brad Bishop bradleyb at fuzziesquirrel.com
Fri Jul 13 03:52:13 AEST 2018

I wanted to highlight a recent sdbusplus patch:


The nutshell is proper error handling of errors from libsystemd's
sd_bus_call has been added and sdbusplus::bus::call may now throw

This note is an open call to all maintainers to scrub your applications
for use of sdbusplus::bus::call and handle SdBusError as appropriate.

I want to point out that catching SdBusError in your wrapper function
around sdbusplus::bus::call and simply eating it (or logging it, tracing
it, etc) is not really “handling” this new exception.  Nor is wrapping
your entire program in a try block “handling” it either.  Instead,
traverse the stack until you find the code with the logic that knows
whether or not the error is anticipated or not, and handle it there.  

For example:


thx - brad

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