Two Google-Origin Daemons

Brad Bishop bradleyb at
Wed Aug 29 22:44:57 AEST 2018

> On Aug 28, 2018, at 4:50 PM, Patrick Venture <venture at> wrote:
> Brad;
> We have two daemons (to start with) that we'd like to send up.  So my
> question is, should we put these to live under
> openbmc/google-{reponame} or google/{reponame} and point the recipe in
> meta-google to google/ or openbmc/ ?
> I'm inclined to say the code can live under openbmc/ so that others
> can see it, and because it uses openbmc stuff.

This is fine by me.  It would be nice to know what they do.  I may have
an opinion on what they are called (the repositories).

This highlights a concern I have.  The project could use some formal
criteria for hosting code on openbmc.  Then we could evaluate new
repository requests based on those criteria.  Open to thoughts on that...

> Patrick

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