Enabling LDAP for Dropbear

Ratan Gupta ratagupt at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Aug 28 19:53:46 AEST 2018

Hi All,

As part of enable LDAP on the BMC,We are enabling the LDAP on the 
dropbear(ssh server) through pam configuration,I am facing a problem 
when the ssh client trying to connect the bmc through ssh.

There are two steps involved when ssh client connect to the ssh server.
1) Authentication
2) Open the shell

I could have seen that authentication gets success but opening the shell 
got failed since the home directory should be existing for the ldap user.

To solve this I tried to make the following changes in the pam config file.

session required /lib/security/pam_mkhomedir.so skel=/etc/skel/ 
umask=0077 debug >>> pam_mkhomedir should have been created the directory.
session sufficient      pam_unix.so debug
session sufficient /lib/security/pam_ldap.so debug

Even after making the above changes I don't see that the home directory 
was created.

NOTE:- If I create the directory in advance then I am not facing this 

We have other option to solve this is to mount directories over network 
with the use of autofs service


Can some body help me what could be other option to create the home 
directories and which one is used industry wise?


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