Proposal for caching/buffering POST codes list for one boot process.

Tanous, Ed ed.tanous at
Sat Aug 25 05:33:38 AEST 2018

> I like this approach, but one would need to enumerate the tree to know how
> many there are cached available.  Albeit, maybe that's trivial :D

A DBus call to Objectmapper  would tell you how many objects you have.
GetSubtree  path:/xyz/openbmc_project/host/post depth: 0 interfaces ["xyz.openbmc_project.Host.State.Boot.Raw"] would get you a list of all Post code interfaces
Depending on the context you might also be able to get away with just GetSubtreePaths.

I wouldn't call it trivial, but it falls in the category of doable.

Alternatively, if you know you need all of them for whatever response you're building, GetManagedObjects to the Post code daemon directly would save you a round trip through DBus.

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