
James Feist james.feist at
Thu Aug 9 04:43:10 AEST 2018

On 08/08/2018 11:25 AM, Patrick Venture wrote:
> I haven't been able to find a good answer on this, but from reading
> the man page, there's no built-in mechanism for having clang-format
> skip some files.  I wanted to check on this before fixing the script
> that calls clang-format in our CI.  I've added a submodule to a

I'm not sure how the CI handles this, but if the clang-format is ran 
before the submodule init, and each build is from a clean tree, 
shouldn't that work?

> project, and that project doesn't follow our style -- so ignoring the
> folder lock, stock, is the right approach.
> Patrick

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