OT: Crowdfunding to port OpenBMC to Asus KGPE-D16

Timothy Pearson tpearson at raptorengineering.com
Tue Feb 28 08:15:09 AEDT 2017

Hash: SHA1

On 02/27/2017 03:01 PM, Rick Altherr wrote:
> I replied to Raptor's tweet asking why they preferred Facebook's OpenBMC
> over the IBM one. I find it odd that you are asking developers on the
> latter to fund development for the former.
> Rick

Perhaps I should clarify a bit.

The KGPE-D16 uses an older ASpeed device not supported by either version
of OpenBMC.  This ASpeed device is not only limited in computational
power, but ASUS limited the device further in the board design to the
point where we are not sure that the IBM OpenBMC will actually fit or
work without hardware modifications (in fact, I am fairly certain
hardware modifications would be required).  Given our past experience
with crowdfunding efforts we prioritized the total project cost over the
more expansive feature set of IBM's OpenBMC in order to get something
functional into the community's hands.  We hope that once the larger
community has had a chance to experience software freedom on the BMC
level using lower-cost commercially available hardware that they will
support the manufacturers (such as IBM) that are selling hardware with
OpenBMC available.

We have also added a stretch goal to the project to initiate a port of
IBM's OpenBMC, built on the common code and reverse engineering efforts
from the base Facebook port.  This process is expected to involve
creating new hardware to replace the limited firmware module of the
KGPE-D16, as well as integrating new x86-specific drivers into the
upstream IBM OpenBMC tree.  Perhaps this stretch goal is more
interesting to the members on this list?


- -- 
Timothy Pearson
Raptor Engineering
+1 (415) 727-8645 (direct line)
+1 (512) 690-0200 (switchboard)
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