Release v1.99.4

Patrick Williams patrick at
Fri Apr 7 06:33:33 AEST 2017

I released a tag v1.99.4 as our next development milestone towards
v2.0.  There are 209 commits between v1.99.4 and v1.99.3, plus the
usual many more commits in sub-repositories we manage.

Big changes in this tag:
    * Upgrade from Yocto 2.2 to Yocto 2.1.
        - This was a major change in Yocto/Bitbake.  They upgraded
          all bitbake scripts from python2 to python3.
    * Power9 systems use OpenFSI and compiled application for processor
      control instead of shell scripts.
    * Elimination of "debug mode" in favor of systemd targets:
        - External FSI control for Cronus is done by systemd targets.
        - Automatic reboot of the host can be disabled independently
          by systemd targets.  This leaves the system in quiesce state
          when the host-watchdog fail or checkstop detection occurs.
    * LED management is refactored out of 'skeleton' and old
      /org/openbmc interfaces are removed.
    * Soft power-off should be supported.
        - This allows the host OS to gracefully shutdown on a power-off
    * Inventory:
        - All local EEPROM and host-IPMI based inventory is migrated to new
          /xyz/openbmc_project interfaces.
        - Fan presence should be reported to inventory.
    * P8/P9 eSEL IPMI commands create /xyz/openbmc_project error events.
    * Error events allow associations to inventory items for suggested
      hardware replacement actions.
        - Triggering fault LED actions as a side-effect should be coming
          in v1.99.5.
    * Support BMC reboot while Host is kept running.
        - The systemd target support for this was completed, but some
          systems may still have trouble successfully coming out of a

Patrick Williams
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